Ready-to-print PDF sheets (10 cards per sheet) for making your own 3.5x2 inch "No Guns, No Money" cards. Download your favorite card style(s) from the selection below.
Business card sheets should be compatible with Avery template 8371. When printing cards, be sure to set the PDF Reader's print option for Page Scaling to none (else the page may be resized resulting in misaligned cards). For printing two-sided cards, be SURE the card stock is the type which will allow printing on both sides!
If your printer has difficulty pulling the card sheets or produces poor quality output (or if you're just not the "do it yourself" type), as a reasonably-priced alternative you can take the files to Kinkos and have them do it for you.
VARIETY PACK 30 different cards on three sheets. (4.96 MB)

INDIVIDUAL CARDS no particular order. (150-200 KB)